Lap Joint Flange

A lap joint flange is a type of flange that is used to connect pipes, valves, and other equipment in a piping system. It consists of two separate components: a stub end and a backing flange. The stub end is welded to the pipe, while the backing flange is bolted to the flange of the adjoining equipment.

The lap joint flange allows for easy alignment of the bolt holes during installation, making it a popular choice for systems that require frequent maintenance or disassembly. It also allows for the rotation of the flange, which can be useful in applications where alignment adjustments are necessary.

Lap joint flanges are typically used in low-pressure and non-critical applications, as they do not provide the same level of strength and sealing as other types of flanges, such as weld neck or slip-on flanges. However, they are cost-effective and easy to install, making them suitable for certain piping system requirements.





Post time: Jun-18-2024