What is the usage of blind flange

A blind flange is a flange used to close the end of a piping system or the opening of a pressure vessel. It is designed to plug a section of pipe or nozzle on a container, providing a secure, permanent or temporary closure.

Blind flange uses include:

1. Pressure testing: Blind flanges are often used during pressure testing of piping systems or containers. By installing a blind flange on the end of a pipe, pressure can be applied to the system to check for leaks or ensure the integrity of the system.

2. Maintenance and Inspection: During maintenance or inspection of piping systems or vessels, blind flanges can be used as part of a sealed system to provide safe, controlled access to the interior for inspection, cleaning or repairs.

3. Isolation: Blind flanges can be used to isolate part of a piping system or vessel from the rest of the system. This is useful when a specific part of the service needs to be stopped without affecting the rest of the system.

4. Temporary closure: In some cases, blind flanges are used to temporarily close pipes or containers that are not in use or are being prepared for future use.


Post time: Jul-23-2024