When use sorf flange , what should be notice

When using a sorf flange (slip-on raised face flange), there are several important considerations to keep in mind:

1. Proper alignment: Ensure that the flange is properly aligned with the mating flange to prevent leakage and ensure a secure connection.

2. Gasket selection: Choose the appropriate gasket material based on the specific application and the type of fluid or gas being transported. The gasket should be compatible with the process conditions and provide a reliable seal.

3. Bolt tightening: Follow the recommended bolt tightening sequence and torque values to ensure even pressure distribution and a tight seal. Over-tightening can lead to damage, while under-tightening can result in leaks.

4. Flange material: Select the appropriate material for the sorf flange based on the process conditions, such as temperature, pressure, and corrosion resistance requirements.

5. Flange facing: Ensure that the flange facing is smooth and free from defects to promote a proper seal with the gasket.

6. Flange rating: Verify that the sorf flange is rated for the specific pressure and temperature conditions of the system to prevent failure.

7. Inspection: Inspect the flange, gasket, and bolts for any signs of damage or wear before installation to prevent potential issues.

Post time: Jul-29-2024